Surf Spot Booking Surf Spot Booking Personal Details No of Person 1234 Date of Booking Time * 7:00 AM7:30 AM8:00 AM8:30 AM9:00 AM9:30 AM10:00 AM10:30 AM11:00 AM11:30 AM12:00 PM12:30 PM1:00 PM1:30 PM2:00 PM2:30 PM3:00 PM3:30 PM4:00 PM4:30 PM5:00 PM5:30 PM6:00 PM6:30 PM7:00 PM Surf Guide Booking * Select Surf SpotBaby PointElephant RockKomari LighthouseMain PointOkandaPanama PointPeanut FarmPottuvil PointWhisky Point Guest House Name First Name Last Name Mobile Number Emergency Contact Number Email Swimming Swimming Ability Strong swimmer Okay swimmer Poor swimmer Surfing Ability I've never surfed beforeI've surfed a few timesI've surfed on and off over the yearsI've been surfing for a few months to a year (Intermediate)I surf often Medical Any medical conditions we need to be aware of ? Yes No (Allergies, respiratory, heart, etc.) If Yes Please Sate State Your Medical Condition in Detail I Agree with the Regulations Regulations - I am able to swim a minimum of 50 meters - I am physically fit to take part in the activity - I will comply with all safety regulations Total Price Total Price Per Person / Per week Cancellation Policy Please note: Cancellations occurring more than 24 hours before the lesson will receive a full refund. Cancellations occurring 12-24 hours before the lesson will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations occurring 12 hours before lesson time will not receive a refund. I understand the Cancellation Policy Person 2 Details First Name Last Name Mobile Number Emergency Contact Number Email Swimming Swimming Ability Strong swimmer Okay swimmer Poor swimmer Surfing Ability I've never surfed beforeI've surfed a few timesI've surfed on and off over the yearsI've been surfing for a few months to a year (Intermediate)I surf often Medical Any medical conditions we need to be aware of ? Yes No (Allergies, respiratory, heart, etc.) If Yes Please Sate State Your Medical Condition in Detail I Agree with a the Regulations Regulations - I am able to swim a minimum of 50 meters - I am physically fit to take part in the activity - I will comply with all safety regulations Total Price Total Price 2 Person / Per week Cancellation Policy Please note: Cancellations occurring more than 24 hours before the lesson will receive a full refund. Cancellations occurring 12-24 hours before the lesson will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations occurring 12 hours before lesson time will not receive a refund. I understand the Cancellation Policy Person 3 Details First Name Last Name Mobile Number Emergency Contact Number Email Swimming Swimming Ability Strong swimmer Okay swimmer Poor swimmer Surfing Ability I've never surfed beforeI've surfed a few timesI've surfed on and off over the yearsI've been surfing for a few months to a year (Intermediate)I surf often Medical Any medical conditions we need to be aware of ? Yes No (Allergies, respiratory, heart, etc.) If Yes Please Sate State Your Medical Condition in Detail I Agree with a the Regulations Regulations - I am able to swim a minimum of 50 meters - I am physically fit to take part in the activity - I will comply with all safety regulations Total Price Total Price 3 Person / Per week Cancellation Policy Please note: Cancellations occurring more than 24 hours before the lesson will receive a full refund. Cancellations occurring 12-24 hours before the lesson will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations occurring 12 hours before lesson time will not receive a refund. I understand the Cancellation Policy Person 4 Details First Name Last Name Mobile Number Emergency Contact Number Email Swimming Swimming Ability Strong swimmer Okay swimmer Poor swimmer Surfing Ability I've never surfed beforeI've surfed a few timesI've surfed on and off over the yearsI've been surfing for a few months to a year (Intermediate)I surf often Medical Any medical conditions we need to be aware of ? Yes No (Allergies, respiratory, heart, etc.) If Yes Please Sate State Your Medical Condition in Detail I Agree with a the Regulations Regulations - I am able to swim a minimum of 50 meters - I am physically fit to take part in the activity - I will comply with all safety regulations Total Price Total Price 4 Person / Per week Cancellation Policy Please note: Cancellations occurring more than 24 hours before the lesson will receive a full refund. Cancellations occurring 12-24 hours before the lesson will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations occurring 12 hours before lesson time will not receive a refund. I understand the Cancellation Policy If you are human, leave this field blank. Book Now